Chewing the fat

May 24, 2014 09:19

Gosh, I haven't made a meaningful post in ages. I've got out of the habit I guess. Sorry about that. It's not as is I've decamped to another site or faacebook or anything. This is still my only online presence - I don't even do twitter. I have been posting fic to mainly because there are more readers and a far more diverse range of countries involved. I'm not setting it alight or anything, just nice to get 50 readers when LJ gives me maybe 10. Mind you, it's the Xander fic that does the business. Still getting high hits on those two stories.

The otter has been gone several weeks now and the house has moved back to it's slovenly state of unkemptness. Stuff all over the couch and the floor, unfolded laundry piled on chairs. Seriously, if you want to come over, you need to give me a couple of months notice. :)

Work has been transitional. Lots of shit changing, lots of shit staying the same. It's taking up too much of my time really. I'm struggling to write as much and I'm the quality is suffering too. I'm working on a summery core 4 fic for summer-of-giles and have dates in July. Even though it sounds a long way off, I worry about how tight it will be to get it done. 

house, ficnotes, work

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