Apr 25, 2006 10:01
this morning i put the Almost Final Touches on the italy purse. i wants to keep it. it's beeeyootiful. i'm gonna put it in the show, though- & if it sells, i'll take what i learned from it & paint myself a better one. if it doesn't sell- mmmMMMINE!
the palm tree purse is almost almost done. just needs a 2nd coat of paint inside & a second coat of varnish outside. so i'm getting there- i'm getting there... that's (almost) 2 down. the other 2 can definitely be finished tomorrow, & then i can start on a couple of new ones. i do loves to start on the new ones. can't wait till it's all finished- then i can finish the 2 paintings i have in progress. i've got a new idea fermenting... actually a couple of new ideas, new directions. it's all so very exciting, wheee!
last night i took a much needed break from the craftin'- i was tired way down into my bone-skin. tonight i get another break- i'm going to see the Turd onstage w/ all my peeps. wheee! that should be quite fun. i shall have a beer or two if the bar is open.
& i have a nice bottiglia di chianti d'anno 2002 sitting at home, taunting me w/ its impending deliciousness. tomorrow perhaps, my love? we shall get crafty-tipsy & make beautiful art together, d'accordo? mmmm, tanti baci, mi' amore... fino a domani.
i owe myself $60+ interest. i stole it out of my piggy bank to purchase art/purse supplies. i have a very strict deal w/ myself that if i borrow anything from the 'vado in italia" fund, it must be paid back double. si, i am one helluva vicious loanshark- i wouldn't wanna hafta bust my own kneecaps. soooo... these purses had better sell, dammit. b/c not only are they eating up a lot of my precious time, but i've got me breathing down my neck about the money i borrowed from me...