Bologna. i just learnt all about it on teh Passport to Europe show. i heart teh Travel Channel. but anyway- Bologna, Italy. i've passed through it on a train to somwhere else- it's halfway between Florence & Venice, a college town- infatto- the oldest university in Europe is located there. founded in 1049 i think. molto educational, a center of higher learning. college town=good nightlife. but the most important feature- it's not touristy. looks a lot like florence, but with more *actual* italians. it is on my Possibility List.
also on the Possibility ListTM, is a thingy called Artspace. they have 'em all over, there's one in North Carolina, a few in California, etc etc. it's a low rent housing/studio space for artists. my understanding is that one may send a portfolio & apply for a spot, & it's only for about 6 months or a year or something... but sounds very very cool. more research is required.
& i'm also still kicking around the idea of staying here through the end of 2008 to manage rand's internets biz. he reminded me today (from california) that it'd be really good money... i could pay off my credit cards & save $$$ for the Possibilities listed above. in fact, i'll probably have to do that, unless something totally unforeseen & incredibly fortuitous happens this year... but this is old news.
in claymation newses, i have discovered a creature called Windows Movie Maker that has been living in my computer for the past 5 years unbeknownst to me. from my initial pokings-around, i have determined that it will allow me to add music to my video. w00t! il nostro piccolo omino arrivera' presto! i think i'm gonna finish a 'low-budget' version for YouTube all by myself- w/ angelo's music, of course... just a teaser of the little guy dancing, for practice & learning & stuffs. then we can bring out the big toys to make the actual short film w/ the plot & SUBJECT MATTER & actual content & stuff in high res, w/ the soundtrack sync'd perfectly, all polished & professional & stuff. it'll be written, directed, & sculpted by me, photographed & edited by rand, w/ music by angelo. *explodes w/ wheee!*
i showed angelo the 'screen test' today- he loved it. i think he's enjoying this project as much as i am... "e' molto stimolante" he says. "abbiamo già ottimi risultati senza avere ancora cominciato!" :we already have excellent results without even having started! & that just thrills me to no end. *hearts*
i have an idea for a stop motion movie/music video for another song he wrote... but the emotional significance might be a bit too obvious... to him & no one else. he's really good at reading my symbology & it plays on an inside joke that we were rather fond of a few months ago... i wonder if he actually gets more than he lets on... heh. yesterday while referring to the most recently finished painting, i wrote 'penso anche d'angelo come una Musa'... & i'm pretty sure i need a verb in that sentence somewhere, but i think he caught teh double entendre despite my grammatica povera... it seemed rather obvious to me... right after i hit 'send'. *headdesks* 'i also think of (the angel) like a Muse.'
THIS JUST IN! rand called from LA to squee... he went to go see a movie in a regular old theatre & he accidentally sat down right behind George Lucas & Ron Howard. he was able to tell them that he really liked their work & then he eavesdropped on their post-show discussion. i believe he's had his first religious experience. i kinda miss him. teh crazy ol' nut.