weekend update

Sep 18, 2005 20:09

pretty good weekend... feeling a bit melancholy though- not sure why... perhaps it's just the regular full-moon thing.

i painted everyday of il mio fine settimana lungo (that's 'my long weekend', for the monolingual), il quadro is coming along nicely- the woman has a nice face now to go w/ her spectacular breasts. the breasts, i fear, need another coat of paint, which i'm afraid to apply, lest i mar their startling perfection... looking forward to the fall & cooler temps so i can paint past noon in the now-sweltering inferno that is my studio.

got down to work on my halloween costume... yay me! got the mask started, hemmed the scarf, coffee-stained the lace, fashioned the light-up bodice/collar thingy... now i'm just dreading the inevitable "whoter you s'posed ta be?"

i studied much italian, i may (or may not) understand the difference between i verbi imperfetti and i verbi passati remoti. damn language has 5 past tenses. *grumble grumble* the hot architect, while extremely helpful, still has not flirted one bit with me. i fear he may be gay, or worse, married.

diego, my poetic and kinky on-line lover, is AWOL. was it a one-chat stand?

my used copy of dh lawrence & italy has been befouled by an idiot with bad penmanship and a worse attitude.

went to the full moon ritual... as soon as i arrived i wished i hadn't... the extra-creepy & possibly slow kid was there, staring at my breasts w/ a lurid grin.

afterwards, went the much-hyped voodoo lounge to celebrate the hovest moon with royal_spice. had excellent conversation over extremely large girly drinks with fruity umbrellas & toucans on our straws. HRHspice's drink was served in a large breakfast bowl. a velvet elvis hangs over the bar. i was not wearing enough tattoos to fit in. someone threw a spitball in my beverage, which i did not discover until i was halfway through it. people suck so much. this is why i prefer drinking a casa.

i've been thinking about death today... but in a good way. i'm happy- this is the first year i haven't had someone i love destroying me from the inside out. life is looking up, and better than ever... but i realized that i am not attached to Life -that grandly abstract concept of *living*. i won't go looking for death, by any means- i am not suicidal (dear friends do not be alarmed...) i'm just saying... i'm not attached to it.

fabuLor called... i'm meeting w/ her and the producer(?) tuesday to discuss painting the set for "the legend of sleepy hollow" in my funky woobiestyle.

ora, devo andare a prendere j'belle dal'aeroporto...
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