ti presento... IL SIGNORE LEOPARDO!!!!

Aug 29, 2006 13:50

click to enlarge!

he's not quite finished in this photo, but i doubt anyone else will see the changes i plan to make, for they are miniscule. i think probably i'm saying he's not finished b/c he still doesn't have a title yet. usually one would've come to me by now... ma no, non questa volta e non so perche'. probably b/c i have been calling him "il signore leopardo" instead of letting my muse bring me something true & real...

allora, come ti chiami? devi auitarmiiiiiiii! per piacere?

i love this painting. it is more... MORE than anything i've done to date. it felt different to paint it. it started rough, i almost abandoned him... but angelo gave me (my own sage) advice- "let him be what he wants to be." so then il signore & i began to communicate & i consulted him on every decision... it felt quite shamanic... he was difficult to capture, a tricky beast-- but the hunt was enjoyable, if not a little frustrating. i think he was a whole 2 months in the making... which is quite long for me.

but i'm still not sure what it MEANS, & thus he has no title. some of you brave folks could offer an interpretation, if you feel so inclined... perhaps your eyes would help me to see him fresh.

oh & BTW, copyright 2006 by the artist.

leopardo, linkage, foto, painting

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