non mi sento bene.

Jul 14, 2006 10:03

ieri sera, la mia amica lepine125 cooked a fantastic meal a casa sua. mmmm, thai tofu stirfry! one of my favorite things in the world is to eat food cooked by a friend. somehow it always tastes better than restaurant food or stuff i've cooked myself. perhaps it's because i taste the love. *g* the pinot grigio was also delish, but i didn't feel as buzzy as i do from teh vino rosso... perhaps b/c i am used to drinking an entire bottiglia da sola.

it was nice to see Titsy & teh Kilty One after their long absence. f_s_priest & i discovered that we share a lust for peanut butter. he likes teh creamy though, while i prefer teh extra crunchy. we dolloped big spoonfuls onto our ice cream sundaes, which we ate w/ yummy glee...

it was also nice to get out of the house & away from teh computer... although i did miss angelo terribly. but the bellsouth was down, & i was fuming & panicky b/c i couldn't get online... so lepine's dinner invitation was very timely & probably saved me from going on a murderous rampage through the phone company headquarters.

but miraculously, my connection healed itself overnight. & this morning angelo made pasta arrabbiato, which amusingly translates as "angry pasta"- named so b/c of the hot chilli peppers in the sauce.

i wasn't aware of it until he said that i looked a little sad. then suddenly my eyes sprang leaks & i couldn't stop crying... e non so perchè. he said he sometimes feels that way too. & then he cheered me up & made me laugh, & i'm just gonna chalk it up to emotional fragility due to PMS. sigh...

yesterday a customer got pissy w/ me b/c the forecast says it's gonna rain all next week. he seemed to take it as a personal insult that i would cause it to rain during his vacation. sigh. e' uno di quei pazzi stronzi. 2 weeks from today will be my last day in this hellhole. w00t.

blah, ..., work

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