Aug 09, 2005 15:08
tomorrow is my last day of work before i go to italy. if i survive the anticip...ation, i will certainly not get any work done. i haven't accomplished much of anything today since lunch. (other than adding "serial mom" to my netflix queue b/c j'belle has never seen it & it's one of my all time faves, so it will be waiting for me when i return.) i cannot even gather my thoughts enough to make a real entry here. the only things rolling around in my head right now are a list of things i need to do (ho bisogno comprare il cibo di gatto) and the ubiquitous "il wheeeeeee!" i'm so freakin useless.
the owner of my company just came in to chat with me about italy. hopefully he did not see my lovely blog onscreen. oops! but he's as big an italio-geek as i am, even though he insists on mispronouncing the word "cinque". (He even has the audacity to correct my pronunciation. honestly, the nerve!)
ah, jeez, i'm driving myself nuts.