how tacky would it be to write an article on the charleston wiki about um, a certain up-n-coming local artist...? methinks my horn could use a little tooting.
(yeah that too,
last night i watched tim burton's sleepy hollow. that counts as work, y'know- it's research. wonderful wonderful movie, if you haven't seen it yet, you must. & that means a lot coming from teh gatto, who never watches icky horror movies. but since i'm now the high-falutin' Art Director of an icky horror movie/play, i gots to get my creepy on. i love tim burton's style- he's got such an elegant sense of mood & atmosphere & his artistic vision is just flawless. i shall count him among my influences, along w/ dave mckean.
& johnny depp. OMG. a moment of silence now please, to thank the gods for that man, that face, that talent, that beauty.
/silence, begin gushing: johnny depp is to modern man what michelangelo's david is to art-- a paragon of beauty & perfection- the zenith, the masterpiece, the epitome of sublime artistry. magnifico! ...aaaaand that's how i feel about that.
i made some set & costume sketches, a color palette sample card & a mood painting to show the colors in use. i now have a wealth o' materials -including storyboards- for the show-n-tell in columbia this weekend. i hopes they like it.