(no subject)

Feb 23, 2009 23:23

1. Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
2. Label which you would Marry, Fuck, and Kill Bring to Disneyland with you.
3. Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
4. Post this meme with your answers.

from jaesus

M A R R Y;

I don't know why I would marry this man despite his obvious gay but there is something about him that is also oddly very manly and it's not just his body to me. He also knows how to cook which is a good thing because I sure as hell can't. I'm afraid of the oven/stove. He also has this really charming quality to him and he's just completely adorable ♥ We'd probably be the type of married couple that my parents are and that makes me happy ♥

F U C K;

This guy. I've had a crush on this guy for years. Followed him from the beginning of NEWS when it was 9/8 members and still continue to fall for him. He's an amazing individual but there is something in him that makes me apprehensive to marrying him. So. I'd like to be fucked by him instead 8D Sounds like a fair deal.

K I L L D I S N E Y L A N D P A R T N E R;

He's my favorite member of Super Junior but out of the other two, I can't see myself doing anything with him besides going to Disneyland and being a big big dork and ride all the rides over and over again. He seems like he would be a fun Disneyland partner 8D

jaeface, yamapi, i'm sorry heechul, marry fuck kill, meme

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