FFH!Roxas muse is settling in nicely though he's a little more emo than I hoped for. I really didn't want an emo kid muse this time but thankfully he seems to have a good head on his shoulders.
Gippal is amusing to say the least. I thought his muse died a couple years ago because that's when I played him last but apparently he's alive and kicking and making demands as he did before. Not that they're unreasonable demands. It's Gippal, he's used to getting what he wants after begging and pleading for it.
Kagami muse has finally settled. He dislikes the nickname 'Kagamin' immensely but I will continue to call him that because the look he gets on his face is very, very amusing ♥. He's so far only dabbled in play with Ana's Akabane but he's warming up to the other muses in his cocky little way.
Roxas is filling out the character interview sheet from
tokyocentricity and a lot of it is 'n/a'. Oh Roxas. Stop being weird and just become normal and cute. Your lack of cute disturbs me.