Writer's Block: Place of Residence

Jun 03, 2009 10:07

I have two dream homes--one would be something Colonial or Victorian outfitted with just enough modern amenities to be comfortable, and the other would be a house as off the power/water grid as I could get it. There are a lot of amazing designs out there and advances in things as simple as water heaters that would make that more than possible.

As far as floor plan, however, basic requirements permitting, I'd prefer to have a small study/library, a full kitchen, and a dance studio for when Rich or Christina are around--when they aren't the studio could be converted to a gym or just open space for a game room, since I can't see myself giving up D&D easily. There are 'green' house designs that all but require as many room to function properly, and although the initial price of construction will be steep, what will be saved afterward will more than make up for it.

writer's block

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