Writer's Block: Becoming a TV Character

Jul 16, 2008 11:27

If you could be any character from a TV show, who would you be and why?

My default answer for this would be Mia Koji from Ronin Warriors--I've always wanted to be part of something supremely epic, which is where a lot of my facsination with the whole zombie acpocaylpse comes from, and Mia has always been something of a role model in that regard.  She throws herself willingly out of the frying pan and you never really see her complain, or even mourn, when apropriate.

I wish I could keep my cool the way she did. I wish I had the kind of mind that could toss out the emotionally personal aspects of a situation--even temporarily--and look at something objectively. And yes, I'm aware she's a cartoon character, but she was also the first real female role model I had that I could latch on to. She made knowing shit cool. More than that, she made knowing insanely esoteric shit cool, and the argument could be made that my interests were always along those lines....my parents had a hodge-podge of intellectual interests, from art to history to politics, and to see Mia putting her esoteric knowledge to use gave me a little hope that I could draw from the hodge-podge and make use of it one day too.

More than just running around and trying to save the world, I'd want to be Mia because she possesses traits I lack completely, and they aren't easy traits to acquire, really. I'm horrifically emotional most of the time, selfish at the worst times for the people around me, and in general an incredibly flawed human being. I mean, we're all flawed, but lately all of mine seem to be biting me in the ass, so it's more noticable than normal.

Mia at least gives me a few things to try to live up to, childish as it is --and if I can manage to do one comparably epic in my life, it'll be worth it.

Until then, there's always cosplay. I guess.

writer's block

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