
you are my sunshine.

Apr 09, 2009 09:53

☼ you are my sunshine

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!public, meme: love

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ex_maylene942 April 9 2009, 14:01:54 UTC
? maylene


iku April 9 2009, 14:03:30 UTC
I miss talking to you bb. ♥ ♥ I hope you're okay and no matter what, remember you have friends like me and those on your f-list. ♥

... )


mohawks April 9 2009, 14:47:38 UTC
i miss you ♥


pretzels April 9 2009, 16:51:55 UTC
i miss our aim chats. and our phone chats. i wish i was healthy so we could talk more often.

*sends infinite love and sparkles* ♥♥♥♥♥


thrift April 9 2009, 17:22:41 UTC

... )


kenya April 9 2009, 17:32:24 UTC
SAMMIE MISSES TALKING TO YOU GREATLY. And it's totally my fault but alsdfjag. I feel like I'm not working hard enough at our connection and I'm always disappointed in myself for not keeping better touch with you because you're without a doubt one of the coolest/nicest/most badass♥ friends I have. I'm always so upset when life treats you unfairly because you don't deserve what life manages to dish you. :( But it never fails to inspire me when you manage to plow through it all and get through it all. You're totally my hero.

I'm always rooting for you, bb~ ♥


radarsparks April 9 2009, 23:15:31 UTC
chickadee, i know we don't talk that much, but i do hope things look up for you. for what it's worth, hang in there. ♥


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