(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 15:50

Back at me Mum's house. 1st day of school. Oh boy.

Electronic Design -- Looks like it's gonna be fun. But challenging. Photoshop and I don't really get along that well.

Spanish 2 -- Oh god the class is HUGE. I'm switching out tomorrow (hopefully)

Chemestry -- 90% of the same kids, Same teacher, and room as my freshman science. This could be either really bad or really good. Curriculum looks like it will be... interestig O_O

English 3 -- The only ACP (advanced college prep) class I am taking this semester. I wanted to be in an environment with less idiots and more people that actually wanted to LEARN. Oh how wrong was I. I'm in a class filled with jocks and preppy rich fucks.


Oh well.

I already miss summer vacation :'(
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