2/3 fics written in lapslock, originally posted on tumblr.
pairing: junhwe/donghyuk
rating: pg
genre: slice of life, comedy, slight!romance
word count: ~250
a/n: for the prompt "things you said when you thought i was asleep"
in which junhwe's kind of keeping a secret.
so donghyuk and junhwe are pretty new at this whole relationship shinding.)
pairing: junhwe/jinhwan
rating: pg
genre: slice of life, slight!romance, slight!angst/hurt-comfort
word count: ~500
a/n: prompter asked for jinhwan climbing into junhwe's bed after a rough day
in which sometimes, jinhwan needs to be held, instead of doing the holding.
they all have their off days.)
pairing: platonic!junhwe/jinhwan/hanbin
rating: pg
genre: slice of life, comedy
word count: ~1.1k
a/n: prompter asked for junhwe and hanbin taking care of jinhwan. is vaguely christmas themed but can be easily ignored lol.
in which jinhwan's life hangs in the balance of two stubborn dongsaengs.
jinhwan would be the one that gets sick on christmas eve, honestly.)