So, no Potter tonight.
I'm in a semi-frumpy mood and Ella convinced me that I could see it tomorrow instead, due to Kim coming home from her walk-about. Besides, Potter doesn't need my help. At the cool $101 million they made this weekend (4th best opening ever), I'm sure I'll have no problems finding another time to see it. So, we got dressed and went out to dinner at Tuptim, the downtown Thai place. The last few times I've gone there were okay, nothing thrilling, but Ella seemed really eager and so, there we went.
I was pleasantly surprised with a very good meal of curry pocket appetizers (must remember to get them again), beef in oyster sauce and fried bananas with honey and ice cream (which I wasn't in the mood for but ate up anyway).
House M.D.
This week's episode was very good in some ways and not very good in others. I don't know why, but I don't like the whole Stacy-House-Stacy's Husband love triangle. I love the Stacy-House interactions, but I find Stacy's husband irritable and awful and ungrateful in a completely infantile way. I don't understand what Stacy sees in him because he lacks, at least the way the show presents him, the intellectual capacity to be of interest to a woman like Stacy.
And speaking of Stacy, there is something about her facial structure (her jaw, perhaps?) that makes me think she's constantly chewing gum.
I did like the Wilson-Cameron interactions, although I thought they were a little unrealistic. Are people really that honest with each other in a work environment? I do love hearing about Wilson's life. And Cameron's life. And I like the attraction that Cameron has with House, although Cameron's "people need to be perfect and good" perspective bugs me a bit.
I think that Omar Epps is an underrated actor. I love how he holds his own against House and how close he is intellectually as House, without the grumpiness.
I loved many of the one-liners and little interactions:
House: So air is keeping him from breathing air. Let's go with that for the irony.
Cameron:We don't make careers out of who can stay awake the longest.
Chase:Really? Ever been to, oh I don't know, med school?
House: So glad we cured his resperatory arrest. Freed him up to develop resperatory arrest.
House: Go forth and scan his neck.
Chase: His neck?
House: Or repeat everything I say in question form.
House: You took a break, everything went to Hell. Which is not an uncommon reaction in Jersey.
And for some reason, they gave Wilson some very Shakespearean lines:
Wilson: He's made a mistake. Revealing the truth doesn't undo it.
Wilson: If love is based on lies, does that mean it's not a real feeling? Does it bring the same pleasure?
Wilson: Do you really think this is going to end well? For anyone?
Wilson: You'll be surprised what you can live with.
I love the music in House M.D.. It's like NPR - their musical selections are inspired.
Well you better listen my sister's and brothers,
'cause if you do you can hear
there are voices still calling across the years.
And they're all crying across the ocean,
and they're cryin across the land,
and they will till we all come to understand.
None of us are free.
None of us are free.
None of us are free, one of us are chained.
None of us are free.
And there are people still in darkness,
and they just can't see the light.
If you don't say it's wrong then that says it right.
None of us are free.
None of us are free.
None of us are free, one of us are chained.
None of us are free.
-- Solomon Burke
The more I watch this show, the more I enjoy it. I know, the math is a bit funky at times, but it's still very interesting. Great actors, interesting cases/stories, and a whole lot of stuff to love.
I liked how there were two different stories intertwined and Charlie is really focused on a secondary story which the other characters weren't interested in... and how frustrating all of that can be.
As usual, Larry delivers some great lines:
Larry: You know, women have two X chromosomes. Men have an X and a so-called Y. But I think if you examine it closely, you'll find as I have that the Y is really just an X with a piece missing.
Larry: I opted for sending Megan seven aromatic white Tudor roses. Anonymously.
Charlie: Well, what good is it if she doesn't know it's you.
Larry: Oh, physicists, Charles. I believe she will still feel the cloud of virtual possibility surrounding her even if she's not yet identified the particle.
Larry: Curiosity. Not great for cats, but good for scientists.
Larry: Aristotle said infinity is the lack of limitation. Which I suppose can be the definition of evil.
I wish there was a bit more geek love in the episode. I like seeing the characters and their relationships (especially Charlie and Amita, which I have a personal interest in seeing). There's someone on the Numb3rs mailing list who really hates any relationship stuff who is very irritating regarding them, to the point of cheering when there is none. Relationships make the characters fuller and more realistic. To leave them out completely will leave out a large part of their lives, and that's one big reason why we tune in: to experience these characters' lives. I'm trying not to think about it too much; I end up getting annoyed and gritting my teeth.
This episode had Megan shine. It made me glad because I'd like the show to be all about the various characters and not just Don, Charlie, and Alan.
On Friday night, ToG went into Molten Core and did four bosses in just a little over three hours. Huzzah! I did a lot of dying (boo!), which partially can be contributed to lag. On Saturday, ToG went into Molten Core and did another four bosses in just a little over three and a half hours. Huzzah! I did a little less dying (boo!), which is only marginally due to lag. I had the same healer, who is mostly shadow specced, which might be the reason. Not completely the reason, just partially. There were a number of cases where I could see the damage occuring to me and I received no healing whatsoever. It made me a bit of a sour-puss, despite our success. They are going back in on Tuesday to do Domo and maybe take a look at Rags, alas without me pulling.
I'm also in a bit of a bind. I have a few friends working up and wanting to think about or actively do M.C. without having appropriate specs for those areas. I'm not sure how I think about that because on one hand, I do believe that people should play how they want to play... but on the other I think that people should understand that they have to adjust themselves if they are interested in seeing the end-game content. What to do?