Yesterday was an absolutely fantabulous day.
For a few days, I've had a hankerin' for Baja FRESH's Taquitos, beef wrapped lumpia-style in a tortilla and then deep fried so the whole thing is crispy. The only times I've had them, however, was when I was down in D.C. doing work for MBA. I knew that they were a chain and
looked them up and was pleasantly surprised to see there were four franchises within 10 miles of my house. Yippie! So, I convinced Mike that would be our eating-out place for the week and we would catch Zathura afterwards (I'm interested in seeing this, prepared for some serious Jumanji-style cheesiness).
Yummm! I had a side of chips and guacamole and their three beef taquito entree. I don't remember what Mike had, but he seemed really pleased with his item. It's "fast food" without tasting like "fast food". I compared it with Chevy's -- I don't like Chevy's because I always struggle trying to find something I would be willing to eat on their menu. Baja FRESH has fewer selections, but I'm happy to eat a number of items off of their menu (especially the taquitos). He's going to mention it to his parents; they travel frequently and dislike fast food, with a few exceptions of "upscale fast food" establishments.
The Baja FRESH was located in a strip mall on the southbound side of Route 17, north of Route 3, about a half mile or so south of the North American Seafood Company. In the same strip mall was a GameSpot and, as I pulled into the parking spot, Mike began humming the music to Katamari Damacy. By a startling coincidence, the previous evening, I read that I [heart] Katamari was released in September. After lunch, I told Mike that I would prefer to buy the game and go home and play it instead of seeing a movie. Whee!
So that is why my thumbs hurt. I spent the afternoon playing I [heart] Katamari. The pain is absolutely worth it. Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na...
Since we weren't going out to dinner, my evening became suddenly free and I logged into World of Warcraft to see if I could get in on the Onyxia raid. There were only three hunters signed up and five spaces, so I thought I had a chance to slip in even though I didn't sign up for the raid. After sending a tell to our raid leader (Saar), I was in!
The first run was very good. We got her down to 10%. Someone pulled aggro during Phase 3 and she was positioned far too east. When the east side readjusted, they were so close to the whelp cave and when they got feared, a few ran into the cave and spawned whelps. It wasn't the whelps that brought us down; it was the distraction of fire-power transferred to taking down the whelps instead of Onyxia that took us down.
The second run was absolutely fantastic. We took that big olde dragon down! Woo hoo! The drops:
Netherwind CrownBloodfang HoodSapphiron Drape Mmm. So good!
We've been discouraged the past several times we've been to Onyxia, but now that we've taken her down by being conservative and cautious, we've got the spark back.
We're not strictly a hardcore raiding guild and I'm not strictly a hardcore raider, but it's times like these when I love raiding, love the coordination that is required to get the job done, and just want to do more. I'm going to need to go back to playing the Auction House because my costs are pretty high (so goeth the life when one has four purples and multiple deaths).
I had a really strange dream last night. I don't remember too much. I recall one point where I was driving by Madonna who was checking out her outfit on a street corner. It was a white Elvis-style suit with blue sequenned trim. I remember seeing her later dressed in it, wielding a huge wooden staff topped with a pink glittery orb. Also, I saw a poster for a "new movie" starring Robert Sean Leonard (it might have been Noah Wyle). It was LAVOISIER, written in KISS-style characters.
I mentioned it to Mike this morning. He said, "Not a very exciting movie..."