Little Numbers Klaine Week Prompts

Mar 15, 2012 19:37

I can't give you a new chapter today, but I want these on LJ, too, and not just on tumblr, because things get lost on tumblr and LJ is more like an archive and why am I rambling?!

I asked for prompts on tumblr, because it's Klaine Week and I wanted to be part of it.
Please look at them as outtakes, or things that could've happened in the story (or, for #3, could've happened in the verse).

Prompt (by beautifulhigh): A text running commentary on some big TV or film event. Their reactions to who's winning whatever reality show final is on or they both end up watching the same trashy late night movie because they can't sleep. Either way there's a lot of snark and mocking and shared comments going on.

I can't believe I'm watching this.

Well hello, night owl. Is this the reason why you're always so grumpy in the morning - staying up late each night?

1) Excuse me?! 'Grumpy'? 'Delightfully sharp wit' is more like it - you just can't handle it. 2) This isn't what I do every night. I just have trouble falling asleep.

What are you doing?

I'm watching Project Runway.
Project Has Been.


Have you seen the show lately, Blaine?

Can't say I have.

So there. That wasn't harsh. That was nothing, trust me.

You're very passionate about this.

I'm just stating my opinion on what should now be called Project Mediocre.
Project Walmart.
Project Ed Hardy.
Project Kurt Could Do That When He Was Five.

Ed Hardy?

The Nickleback of fashion, Blaine.
This shouldn't even be allowed to be called fashion.
...Please don't tell me that's what you like to wear.

You're on a roll tonight, huh?
And no, it's not.
Would you stop talking to me if it were?


Good to know.
How about 'Project Cute Canadian Guy Who Doesn't Know When to Use Straight Grain Cuts Rather Than Bias Cuts But Looks Good in Short Shorts'?

Stop sweet-talking my fashion-designing heart. It's too much.
What do you know about cutting fabric?

My talents are plentiful.

My talent is to see right through your bullshit.

Again with the harshness!

Wait. Are you actually watching this now?


Micah or Sonia?


Shut up!

What? I told you, I like the shorts.

This isn't about how they dress or how cute they are.

It's a reality show, Kurt.
And, between us, he's *pretty* cute.

You found that stuff about cutting fabric on Google, didn't you?

Any chance to sweet-talk...

You're worse than Heidi Klum's dress.

You're snarlier than Nina Garcia.
Oh, look - he dropped something.

Stop defiling my show!

The show you've been bitching about for the past half hour?

It comes from a place of caring.

Right. I'll leave you to it then. ;)

Told you you couldn't handle the wit.

Ask me again in the morning.

Goodnight, Blaine.


Prompt (by anon): I'd love to hear more about Kurt's and his cat's adventures.


Yes, dear?

What is that?

That, Kurt, is a cat.

What is a cat doing on my bed?


...Why do we have a cat?

Because cats are cute?

Ddfjsdjfhs Rachel!
Where did it come from?

Is your phone acting up?

I don't... What... I can't.

Okay, okay, before you get an aneurysm: My dads gave it to us.
We're having lunch, btw. Wanna join?

Your... Why did they give us a cat?

...Because cats are cute?

Are you having alcohol with lunch? Is that it?

Kurt, look at him. He's positively adorable.

We can't keep a cat!

Why not?

Our apartment is tiny.

So is he.

It won't stay tiny forever.

Have you held him yet?


You should.



I bet it'll get its hairs all over my clothes.

Tiny, cute kitty hairs!

And what if it uses my closet as a scratching post?

Cute, tiny kitty feetsies!

Have you seen those paws?!
Drunk, that's what you are.

You'll love him.



We're headed to the movies. Wanna join us for *that*?


Come on.

No, we're busy.


Shhhhhh. I said he's got the sweetest eyes I've ever seen, but then he said the same about mine, and now we're having a hearty discussion about it. First person to cave gets to be the little spoon.

...Now who's drunk?


Prompt: Bradshaw.
(monsterbookofmonsters asked me to write about Blaine and Bradshaw cuddling at night and Blaine talking about Kurt. I didn’t include anything about Kurt, though, and this is for everyone who misses that stupid dog. :))

They always start out like this.

Blaine's sprawled on his stomach, one hand almost hanging off the bed, the other tucked under his pillow. Meanwhile, Bradshaw is all curled up in the right corner of the living room couch.

Blaine leaves his door cracked open - not by much, just enough to hear what's going on in the rest of the apartment. He knows he's being paranoid, but he doesn't want to risk anything. The dog is as healthy as he can be, but that doesn't stop Blaine from worrying. He's still new at taking care of another living being (and maybe looking up symptoms on the Internet hadn't been his brightest idea. It never is.)

It's usually around 2am when he hears it - the distant sound of Bradshaw nails clicking on the floor; the slow and sleepy shuffle of his paws on the hardwood floors; and finally, the soft thumping noise of the dog's head carefully pushing the door open.

Then, silence.

"S'okay, you can come in," Blaine mumbles into his blanket, and the sound of his voice is all it takes for Bradshaw to enter the room and jump up onto the bed, flomping down next to Blaine and resting his head and half of his body on his owner's arm.

"Careful, B. Don't wanna squish me; you still need that hand to throw stuff for you," Blaine warns him before retracting his arm and wrapping it around the dog's body instead.

"Don't hog the blanket again,” he mutters as he buries his nose in Bradshaw's fur and closes his eyes once more.

little numbers, fanfiction, bonus, outtakes, kurt/blaine

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