hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way

Mar 23, 2006 20:17

lots has happened since the end of last week. some apologies, some slowly healing friendships, some good canadian times, some work and lots of sleeping! i feel better and i thank everyone for their friendship and support. i needed it and you all rocked. thank you.

i'm getting ready to turn in early, get a couple extra hours sleep to rest me up for friday (no real reason, just because i can. sleeping is a luxury and now that i'm healthy again, i'm really good at it! i bet i could even sleep a night or two without medication! no more sleepless nights for rachel, no siree), but first i uploaded some pictures to flickr and thought i'd share with you.

my pretty jezzebelle (who wants to welcome erica's new kitty to the family), just woken from a nap!

with her fluffy head and big eyes, this cat can get away with anything and she KNOWS it.

also: as i am selling my newer camera on ebay (because i just don't like it), i'm buying a new one tomorrow (half paid for by belated christmas gift from adam, half by the sale of camera). i'm getting a canon a610, and hopefully that camera and i get along a little better! i'm excited. i'll really test it out next weekend when i take two days vacation to tack on to a weekend and go to new york to see my family! emily's 8th birthday party is on saturday april 1, and i promised i'd be there (which means i'm back in july for sammo's party). i plan to take a zillion pictures to really get the hang of my new camera. also, enjoy two days off of work. i hate travel, but my ny family is worth it.

and now i go to bed.

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