Mar 18, 2004 10:54
she lives in a world of
love and hate,
two versions of the same emotion.
a smile and a nod from those who understand,
and just a smile from those who
they've long since ceased
using the front door,
and instead
slip in through the
open window and past his sleeping form,
leaving fading fingerprints on the coffe table.
she thinks that maybe he sleeps
to avoid her,
maybe he sleeps because he's tired,
but the way he tosses fitfully
makes her doubt it.
she wonders if she'll ever be able to spill
how she feels unwanted in
a world full of lightning bugs
and electric butterflies.
sometimes she feels like he would
understand -- for just a brief instant,
when she's looking into his eyes--
then, he coughs violently
and lays back down,
and the feeling passes.
she doesn't sleep, this girl,
she simply continues on,
lives in a world of
love and hate,
two versions of the