May 16, 2005 09:25
Welp, I finished all of my history yesterday, now just gotta take the final and BAM BABY! All done. Thank the fuckin lord, man that class blew. Need to study for math today *nod* I can study for Bio tomorrow, not too worried about that final for some reason, but she said she was gonna put up a study guide for it, yet still hasnt....odd. Should look into that. Tonight, Imma go watch some white dudes get their asses kicked. hah basketball game, yay ya! Go Justin Go! Im movin on up in the world, MR Nelson gave me a key!!! Thats like the biggest honor he can give you!!! lol. Hes a freak about giving out keys. The loser. Tracey got one too, its like SCORE!!! I feel special now. Had me on bathroom duty. The kids have to sign in now so they can use the bathrooms. All because them lil bastards were vandalizing. Hah thats what ya get punks. Dont know why we're starting all this crazy Nazi crap so far into the school year they've got like less than a month left, dude, leave em alone. Its not gonna help for the next year, whole nother class coming in. *shakes head* Whatever, I just do as I'm told. Yeah. Smile Empty Soul on Thursday!!! Wooooooooo! Should talk to Bret bout tickets to the GV concert too for Saturday. That day is gonna kick major ass. Welp, gotta go study hard!!