Many fish in the sea

Apr 03, 2005 22:29

Woke up round 1020 to get up to go to the aquarium, well my mom woke me up at 930, but yeah told her to let me sleep til my alarm went off. lol. So we drove down there, got a little lost, but ended up going the right way just the longer route. It smells funny down in San Pedro....yeah gross and crappy part of town. The aquarium was pretty cool, got to touch some sea urchins and starfishes. There were these really cool lil sea slug things, they were like bright ass blue and orange! cool shit. On the way home we hit some major traffic which sucked cuz we were hungry and all we had was a crunch bar to hold us over. Took us two hours to get home. There was this really hot guy in a white truck that was beside us for the longest time tho so it was all good. People suck at driving, dont know how to merge. It aint rocket science people, get with it. Got home, did a bit of my extra credit, saving the rest to finish tomorrow. Took a shower, uploaded some more music onto my computer. Im up to 189 songs now. woo hoo. Slowly going up. Amanda had to come over to work on her essay, which she decided not to re-write at all. Effe para amanda. lol Her computer wouldnt turn on at all. And thats so strange cuz I just heard from Ellyn that Brian was having the same problem, now how random is that. lol Odd, maybe they gave each other viruses or something. haha scratch that, his comes on but just doesnt do anything. Yeah, dont want to go to work tomorrow, gonna suck ass. STUPID ASS TIME CHANGE! Ah well, im over it. I need to study for history.... plek. not cool. Well im out.
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