Job Scams Suck

Jul 14, 2009 22:38

I'm just going to stop applying to these vague job postings.  They're always scams.

This guy says he needs someone to drive him around while he's in town.  I'm all "Eh, okay, we'll see." First warning bell should have been that he wanted to pay $700+ for a week.  But I go along anyway, to see what sticks.  However I'm already wary because he can't seem to find his shift key or the spellchecker.  I don't have give him any personal info aside from my resume, which frankly is already disseminated all over the metro area so no real increase in risk there.  It has my name, address, and phone numbers, and that's about it.

I ask for assurance he's on the up and up.  I get back badly written responses about being a doctor from South Africa and bringing his 17 year old daughter.  Flag on the play right there.  And the clincher is he says he's fedexing me a check for 4 grand and wants me to cash it, deduct my fee, and give the remainder to his Travel  which point so many alarms go off it's like the zee Germans are invading my brain.

Not even worth the time to write the emails. 
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