I call myself Mackenzie, Goddess of everything I touch.
Well if I may be the hundredth person to say it, I had a fabulous Spring Break. We should all do it again sometime soon. I finished the last thing I needed to do this afternoon ending my school work on an incredibly high note. Let's just put it this way, 'and the Oscar for best production created with MovieMaker for Mr. Carter goes to....MACKENZIE CONNOR!' Now you can imagine the joyfull tears and me feeling tall in pointy shoes accepting an award and thanking way too many people....I thought I made that speech shorter... Ehem. Plus today, I showered and rebelled against my hair dryer and let my naturally wonderful hair be itself. It's having a bit of a color-identity-crisis but today, you'd never know! Plus I hung out in a tank top and low slung baggy pants and acted like the true beautiful goddess I am, not to mention sexy as hell...I even wore The Hat for a bit. I am also coming to terms with my new found tv addictions, and while I am still The bggest fan of Law and Order (in extremely close and brutal competition with Lizzie) I am avidly addicted to Gilmore Girls, and yes, Angel. You know I couldn't stand Buffy, but Angel makes me laugh...not to mention that there are some, shall we say, very attractive male leads? And everytime I watch Gilmore Girls I find myself talking fast and making witty banter with anyone. Ah the empowerment! Well, if these two weeks have been any indication summer this year shall top all the others. Best part? Hello 'R' rated movies, Oh yeah...we're moving up in the world. =] See you guys all tomorrow