Sep 04, 2011 16:48
A good Sunday night for me is a quite night at home with books in hand and maybe a marathon of shows I like on tv. Make the night the better getting some writing done. That is fine for me, I am 30 years old. For a 9 year old this is not a good night. This is a very bad boring night. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when the original plans to keep my 9 year old sister entertained where canceled and she just looked at me and said, "So what are we going to do tonight?" I love her but I hate the fact that I am the one making plans with/for her and at the last minute. Didn't I just finish telling her parents on Friday that I was tired of having her all the time and yet behold its Sunday and nothing has changed. I know it is not her fault but I just miss my freedom. Plus, I miss adult themes. So after playing with my budget (because I do not ask for nor do I accept cash for watching my sister) I have enough to take her to the movies tonight, Spy Kids 4. That is if I am able to convince her to skip watching it in 4D. Oh well.