Before Kate leaves the Bar
tonight, she politely requests the Lady deliver a few notes and parcels to her friends.
To Bela Talbot:
Dearest Bela,
I'm sorry we seem to keep missing each other. So much has transpired since the last time we spoke, and I long to see you so that we might catch up.
My dearest friend, it grieves me deeply to hear of your attack. You are not the only one among my friends who has reported having such an episode. Not that I doubt your assurances of being sound, but please be sure to keep yourself safe; I've been told that it's possible whoever this vampire is might come back to those he's bitten. You are welcome to stay with me anytime, you know, when you're here at the bar.
Thank you for the gift; I will be sure to carry it with me. I am safe, and well, but do long for your company. There's much to tell you.
Your Friend,
To Bill Pardy & Kate Warner:
Dear Bill & Kate,
I owe you both, first of all, an apology. By now you both know that Doc has returned to the bar, ten years removed from his former self and without memory of any time spent after this past August. It was my desire to tell you both sooner, so you wouldn't have to find out from someone else. However, I let a gross amount of time pass away from the bar proper, as I looked after him. I'm glad Doc was able to catch Kate himself, though can't imagine what a shock that must have been. Lady Demeter informed me the other day that you have both returned from France, which makes my failure to correspond all the worse. I'm glad you are all sound, and hope to be seeing you in person soon. Accept my humblest apologies.
Secondly, I owe you thanks for the thoughtful
gifts. Kate, I would love to get together with you again, someday soon. Send Boo my love, and enjoy the treats.
With Affection,
Kate B.
(Accompanying the letter is a basket of freshly baked cookies, made from one of the mixes they gifted her, and a jar of spiced peaches.)
To Ben Wade:
I haven't seen you around the bar lately. You haven't had another encounter with the
Whomping Willow, have you? Appreciated the note letting me know you were okay after our paths split, but if you call me
Prudence from here on out, I will respectfully be forced to clock you, husband.
Hope all is well; there are strange things afoot, and much to tell you.
Your Troublesome Friend,
To Esfir:
My Dear Fira,
It's been many months since I last saw you. I hope you are faring well; strange things have been happening here at the bar, and I am worried for your safety. Several friends of mine have been attacked by a vampire who seems to be targeting young women. Ben told me a while back that you have been out in your new world flying. I hope that this is the case, and that you are safe and well. Please be careful when you return to the bar, and give me notice. There's much I long to tell you.
With Affection,
To X-23:
Dear X,
Thank you again for everything. I owe you more than you know.
Your Friend,
(Accompanying the note is a plate of homemade cookies, wrapped nicely and accompanied by an old-fashioned bottle of milk with a bow around the neck. Miss Bar is generously keeping the cookies warm and gooey, and the milk cold and fresh.)