Is SquaDus THAT good a singer? Is he THAT important as a landmark in my life? Is his influence so positive, that it has to completely ruin EVERYTHING else to keep it all in balance? Would it offset my life that much if he would just join WITHOUT making friends hate me, ex-members resent us, my romantic relationship struggle for its life, old wounds
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In lieu of this, I really have naught to say since apparently I know you as well as any other blog reader, more or less. If and when we meet this weekend, after 6 weeks of notting, we shall have to actually converse, followed by me YES knowing more than what is written in your post and YES plying to its contents.
Das"hes from Ari veDerci,
Also, I don't really know much about YOUR life either except for the none that you write, so....meh :/ SMS more about happenings o.o
I don't think there's much to know about my life, like you said, I exist every other weekend, and I don't want a blog full of army talk, and without you I don't really get around much, and I don't see Neta on the weekends either, so yeah, I don't really exist. Po.of
So we end up not talking, then when stuff DOES happen, we forget there's the whole talking deal o.o
אני אייל!
האם את באה לכאן לעיתים תכופות!
....אין לי מושג מה הפואנטה בזה!.
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