Title: Magical Girl Sam Winchester - Guardian of the Heart!
Pairings/Characters: Wincest
Genre: Crack
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 27, 382
Warnings: Cross Dressing, Crack, and THE POWER OF LOVE
Summary: Sam already had a lot on his plate dealing with getting Dean back from Hell, Lillith trying to free Lucifer, and Angels ordering them around. But then Dean gets attacked by a creature that neither of them have ever encountered before, and they're completely outclassed. Desperate, Sam agrees to make a contract with the strange magical creature. In exchange, Sam gains the Power of the Heart, allowing him to transform into the magical girl known as the Guardian of the Heart! Now Sam has to deal with the fact that he's fighting monsters in a ridiculously frilly pink magical girl outfit, using magical heart powers, while trying to keep Dean in the dark so that he's not humiliated. On top of that, Fefelli seems convinced that there's more between him and Dean than just brotherly affection. Considering he's willingly become a magical girl just to protect Dean, Fefelli might be right...
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Author's Notes and Acknowledgements Amazing art this way PDF Version (THANK YOU