Jan 07, 2010 15:09
I came here to delete some old posts that I now frown upon for various reasons, but I decided to keep them to remind myself of how great I am now compared to the whiny, dependent bitch I was then.
Back then, my only problems that mattered remotely were....nothing. Now I'm never far from people who smoke cocaine pills that they also sell. My dad, my brother, my brother's girlfriend, my dad's stripper skank wrinklyass girlfriend. Twitch twitch twitch, jump, jump, screaming at things, beating spouses, selling drugs, buying drugs, can't stop talking and stuttering, knows everything about the everything they have at their other house. Yes, I would love to move in with my mom, but she doesn't have a house. No, HRS, there was no fight and no black eyes. Just arguing about car keys or something. Yes, I will tell him to call you. Hello, dad, this card is from HRS. What's that, dad? You're going to finally get her ass put in jail? Oh, I hope that works out for you. Where would you like me to move all of the cocaine and pills when the tables get turned, and the cops come here? Okay, yes, I have no problem stepping over the back yard littered with doors and tools to hide the drugs in the shed when I hear sirens.
And here are alot of my friends whining about how their boyfriend or girlfriend broke their iPhone 4g and Playstation 3 before stomping out to their lamborghini.