this isn't Ray

Dec 23, 2005 10:15

It's Amanda and I have hijacked his journal.
Just kidding I am bored and decided to update for him.
I am sure he is sleeping and will probably continue till noon.
Yesterday I stopped in Savannah and met up with Leeanne, we went to Bonaventure cemetary, smoked a J and took photographs.
It was midday in the garden of good and evil.

I miss him so much. I won't be leaving until tuesday, it's a whole 10 hours from here (Charleston) to the Fort.
I've been trying to ration the bud I brought but it isn't looking like I'll have any for the ride home, bummer.

Don't even try to tell me you guys are cold down there because it is fucking 32 degrees here and I have no warm clothes.
Well we are going to Kings street to get our shop on.

I loooooove you Ray J!
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