slide my dick in your ass, girrrrrrrrrrl

Nov 21, 2005 10:49

SO this weekend was fucking awesome
(yeah I'm actually writing in here)

SO. Let me start over.
Really, this week was awesome.
On Wednesday we finished the first song off our new record, which is as of now untitled and probably not even going to be released until next year around this time.
I like it alot. It's definitely MURDERED

We had a show in FL this weekend, and we decided to ride down Friday night instead of leaving early Sat. morning, since load in was at 12.
We ended up sleeping in the van in the Wal-Mart parking lot.
It was badass. Kind of.
We fucking killed saturday and sold out of CD's, thank God.
We had enough gas $ to get home.

Yesterday I spent the entire day with Lauren and it was so damn nice.
I loooooooove that girl.
Tomorrow my brother, myself, and Lauren are all going to FL for Thanksgiving until sunday and I can't wait.

I'm jobless, well furnished, in love, in a great band, and always in the company of amazing people.

Looks like I have alot to be thankful for this year.

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