sweet catastrophes in your tears

Mar 19, 2011 02:35

♫ Listening to Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 - M/elody

It's ironic, an anime depicting a hypothetical 8.0 earthquake that hits Tokyo in 2012.

It's just so sad, not because of the casualties and the continuous on slaughter of disaster after disaster that hits Japan, but because it still doesn't seem real to me. I've seen the pictures, I've watched the videos, I've read the newspaper. Yet, despite that, I still live the day as if nothing was wrong in the world. Just like on and after 9/11, I still live the present day as I've lived the yesterday, as I will live the tomorrow.

I wish I could get a grip of reality: global warming is real just like the war in Afghanistan is still happening just like the urgency of containing the nuclear meltdown just like the earthquake and tsunami is real. People are losing lives, homes, loved ones, and I sit here in front of my computer blogging about my insignificant ignorant feelings.

I wish there were more I could do for the country of Japan and its people, but what can I do when I have no money to donate, or means of donating if I did have the money? If only my moral support was enough.

Show your support, wear red and white on March 24th.

animanga: tokyo magnitude 8.0, real life: musing thoughts

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