List the first 3 lines of up to 10 things you're currently working on. Give us the title, fandom, and pairing if any. Post to your journal and have your f-list tell you what they notice from those three lines.
A lot of these are in shameless states of un-beta'd terror. Don't mind me (and everything is getting it's own lj-cut to save space on your friends pages). Also, I'm curious if you can tell any difference between the pieces I've had lying around since 08 and the ones I just started writing a few days ago.
Title: The Art of Growing Up
Series: Kingdom hearts
Character: Predominately Terra
Home, for Terra, is a faint memory like a favored dish. The general idea is remembered, but the particular nuances and flavors are lost to the ages. He can't remember precisely how young he was when he left, not as young as that boy he met -Riku- but still young enough to believe in impossible things; like the stars tasting of vanilla and the moon of whipped cream.
Title: The Climbing Tree (this is written for a bit of Original Fiction I've toyed with
beforeSeries: Original Fiction
Character: Elidi
The tree bloomed far over Elidi's head, the lowest branches dangling just out of jumping range. She wasn't entirely sure what kind of tree it was, only that it was very large and very imposing.
"I'm not climbing that," she told her companion in the assured way of the young.
Title: I am not a Maiden Fair
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Predominately Tifa, features Cloud and the Radiant Garden gang
Tifa wipes the blood from her lip, and keeps moving. She's given up too much to turn back now. It's easier to think about her past, the things she's sacrificed, while focusing on the repetition of one foot in front of the other.
Title None at the moment >_>
Series: Glee
Characters: Sue
Once upon a time Sue Sylvester was not Mean and Evil; she was merely Young and Angry and Confused. From day one her life was not like the lives of her classmates, and it took her several years and many tears to fully grasp why things were different.
She's six, when everything finally starts coming into a slow focus.
Title: And the Future is Bright
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Riku/Selphie (DON'T JUDGE)
It was the wrong time of year to be outside for long. The air hung, heavy and stagnant around them and towering thunderheads bloomed in the distance, lighting up from the inside to offer brief glimpses into another universe. Sane people were hiding indoors with air-conditioners on at full blast and curtains drawn to hide the truth of nature away, adventurous people stuck close to the mainlands with one eye on the sky, waiting for the clouds to announce their fury.
Title: Like a Puppet on Strings
Series: Original Fiction,
Heart CoreCharacter Autumn
It happens when Autumn is only fourteen, trying to rouse herself for another agonizing day of high school. She realizes, in the corner of her mind that is often contradictory to the rest of her existence, that she's only two months into the painful four years everyone claims to be the "best years of your life".
In the weak early morning light of another school day she finds herself facing an empty house, something she's still coming to terms with.
Title: Let's Bloom at Midnight
Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Zuko/Katara
If he had been more of a poet, he would have told her thing such as "your eyes shimmer like the ocean on a moonlit night," or "you are graceful as the breeze on a summer evening." But he had never been capable of more than similes and she had never cared for shallow flattery.
If he had been anyone else he could have promised her the world, if she had been anyone else she would have been tickled by the prospect. But he was bound to his throne, and she already had the world at her feet and the sky at her fingertips.
Title: Growing Up, Yuffie
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Predominately Yuffie, long dragging bits of Aerith/Cid/Cloud/Tifa/Leon, eventual Yuffie/Leon
Yuffie is practically a toddler, hardly old enough to be counted as a child yet, when the world goes crumbling at their feet. She doesn't know them the way they know each other. She's too many hand-spands younger than them, hasn't even started proper school yet, she's still existing on sugar spun fairy-tales and make believe.
Title: Your Unwavering Memory (why yes. this is another "in the next life" fic. fuck off)
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Axel, Roxas
In the beginning, it's almost something of a relief to look across crowded street corners and catch a familiar face. In the beginning, they look more like themselves than they ever will again. Of course they're not who they were, but that doesn't matter and when the walk signal finally flashes in their favor they don't even pretend to use their new identities.
Title: I Can Say What You Want Me To
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Axel/Larxene/Namine yea, you read that right. Probably be the first piece I've ever written that's coming with a smut warning.
She comes to him right after a mission, with gore streaking her hair, the scent of ozone still clinging to her skin. There is no playful banter, just the hiss of her zipper sliding open. She undresses while she walks- manages to make the entire act oddly graceful- finally straddles Axel's hips in nothing but her shirt and coat, he doesn't even have the opportunity to think of a witty quip before Larxene is devesting him of his pants.