Jul 10, 2011 10:14
Came down with a slightly horrible virus thing on Friday night and spent most of Saturday wrapped up in a doona. Woke up feeling clear headed this morning so I'm have a some tea and listening to the wild winds outside and thinking that I won't get on to all the stuff I was going to do today. Maybe go for a drive and socialise a a little bit.
There's been a bit of post-age in my f-list about social media including Google+. I've set up an Appleseed account, but a social platform needs to be inclusive. I've got a couple of geeky friends, but a critical mass is needed. I'm not sure swapping Zuckerberg for another .com tycoon is any help. It would be nice if I could stitch together a range of services to put forward (or subscribe to) whatever I want; lengthy posts like this stream of thought, or random one line updates ala Doogie Hauser. Sort of like how UseNet used to work.
Alas, the only good thing to happen in the whole social media area is the massive write down of that horrible eyesore that is MySpace. Rupert, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.