A shout-out to all the forgotten and half-forgotten gods. :)

Dec 05, 2011 22:17

Claude Traunecker, in The Gods of Egypt (p 57):

"Sometimes, the divine consort was a doublet created by the grammatical marker of the opposite gender. Sokaret, feminine version of the god Sokar; Input, companion of Anubis (Inpu); Tefen and Sesha, masculine forms of the goddesses Tefnut and Seshat."

Gods this obscure are, for some reason, irresistible to me. There might be nothing more left of them than their names, mentioned a handful of times, or just once. Ptah-Sokaret pops up in an epithet of Ramses IV in The Book of the Night (I guess in his tomb). And I think nowhere else at all. I wonder if there's a picture?

(Confusingly, Sesha is also the name of a serpent in Hindu mythology. And as for Input, don't try Googling her. :)

culture: egyptian, god: tefen, god: sesha, goddess: tefnut, goddess: sokaret, goddess: input, god: anubis, goddess: seshat, goddess: ptah-sokaret

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