Hibis, I wish I knew how to quit you

Aug 06, 2010 15:51

Some more figures of interest (to me!) from Dr. Cruz-Uribe's catalogue of the gods of Hibis Temple:

  • Mut - lioness-headed, enthroned, holding the wedjat eye (p 2)
  • Mut foremost of the temple of Ptah - enthroned, mummiform, holding something (lost), wearing skullcap. (p 14)
  • "Female figure, with arms at sides, stands between two cats seated on stands." (p 13) Next to:
  • Mut, foremost of the "Horns of the gods". Falcon-headed, with small disc and uraeus, arms at sides. (p 13)
  • Mut, foremost of the temple of Ptah. Standing, wedjat eye on head. [Helck MDAIK 23 1968 p 123 line 11; Gardiner AEO II 125; Holmberg, Ptah, p 190] (p 13)

  • Sekhmet the great, beloved of Ptah - recumbent lion on pedestal (p 14) [Germond p 341]
  • Sekhmet, lady of (possibly siw or sinw?) - hedgehog (?) on pedestal. [Germond 92 no 26; Brunner-Traut Spitzmaus 161; Aufrere BIFAO 85 1985 23] (p 39-40)
  • Sekhmet in the mansion of the ka - enthroned, mummiform, lioness-headed, atef crown. (Shares a platform with Ptah.) (p 42)
  • Bastet who is over the secrets of Amun, lady of the shrine - lioness-headed, standing, holding knife and snake staff (p 5)
  • Bastet who is upon the fighting, Darkness (being) as the flame - lioness-headed, holding two knives [Goyon Les dieux-gardiens I p 342 - "personification of fire" - LOC]
  • "Standing female figure with lioness. Perhaps to be identified with Bastet." (p 10) "Lioness-headed, female figure, horned disk with uraeus... Bastet with Hathor crown?" (p 34) [Bergman Isis-Seele 22; Roeder Naos p 65 no 21, pl 18]
  • Ptah with Bastet lady of Ankhtawy (p 13)

  • Wadjet lady of Sepa - cobra, lioness head, on a shrine. (p 15)
  • Wadjet of Nebet - snake, lioness head, on a shrine (p 25) [Yoyotte RdE 14 1962 93ff]
  • Wadjet who divides the two lands - enthroned, lioness-headed, red crown, holding ankh. (p 39) [Yoyotte RdE 13 1961 97 no 5; Coche RdE 22 1970 58ff esp 59 no 1; Coche-Zivie, BIFASO 74 1974 118 no. 4]

  • Werethekau? Standing woman with two faces - one human, one feline; double crown with uraeus; holding something (an egg?). [Similar figure on CG 9402]
  • Werethekau of Abydos - enthroned, lioness-headed, with atef-crown, suckling child. (p 28) [Cf LD III plate 14]

  • Meheyt - lioness-headed, wedjat eye on head, kneeling on stand (with a snake in it), holding drawn bow. (p 29) [Cauville BIFAO 82 1982 110 no. 4, 115, no. 9, 119-120 fig 4]
  • Meheyt of Thinis - lioness on pedestal, small pharaoh in front (p 29)[also in Cauville]

  • Various unlabelled lion-headed and lioness-headed figures (p 35) No. 10 is probably Sekhmet, but resembles Wadjet (Vandier MonPiot 55 1967) and also Bastet (Roeder, Naos, p 68 no 9, pl 19).

  • Re-Horakhty, great god - lion-headed, standing, holding flail, ankh, and was-sceptre (p 4) There's also a lion-headed Harakhty on the 26th Dynasty naos of Mefky (Louvre D29) and a lion-headed Nefertem-Harahkty on the Naos of Saft el-Henna (de Wit, p 238). [Yoyotte CdE 30 1955] ]
  • Re-Horakhty, who is on earth - lion-headed with sundisc, standing, holding knife and was-sceptre (p 4)
  • Re-Horakhty who is over the goddesses - female, cat-headed, holding an egg (p 4)

  • Astarte (three versions) (p 11)
  • Nefertem (seven versions) (pp 13-14)
  • Atumet - "Mummifed hedgehog (?) with sun disk on head on pedestal." (p 14); Atum? - mummified hedgehog (mongoose? something else?) on shrine containing another mummified hedgehog inside (p 33)
  • Hat-mehyt? "Lioness-headed, female figure with disk with udjat-eye inside on head". (p 22) Cf the figure of Mut above.
  • Dedwen (p 23, p 107)
  • Khonset who is in her bark (p 115)
  • Tait (p 51-52)
  • Sothis, Eye of Re (p 107)
  • Hathor, daughter of Mehit (p 119) [Bonnet, Reallexikon der ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte, p 445 - MQ has this]; Mehyt, lady of Weben (p 159)
  • Rait (p 181)

Cruz-Uribe, Eugene. Hibis temple project, Vol 1: Translations, commentary, discussions and sign list. San Antonio, Texas, Van Siclen Books, 1988.

author: cruz-uribe, goddess: weret-hekau, figure: eye of the sun, goddess: mut, goddess: raettawy, subject: ichneumon, subject: cats and lions, goddess: bastet, culture: nubian, place: hibis, goddess: tayet, god: nefertem, goddess: astarte, goddess: sekhmet, goddess: wadjet

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