I've been awake since 3 am. Have some links

Dec 01, 2009 06:10

Pharaonic-Era Sacred Lake Unearthed in Egypt, ABC News 15 October 2009 [Temple of Mut at Tanis]

Messages from the past become easy to read: USC researchers are producing crisp images of inscriptions and artifacts from biblical Israel and other Near Eastern locales and putting the pictures online. [Using a thing that looks like the Large Hadron Collider!] LA Times 2 November 2009

An introductory "Thematic Essay" on Ugarit from the Met.

And from the Met as well, a stunning Lotiform Cup from the Third Intermediate Period.

The Real Story of Nazi Egyptology, Heritage Key 1 September 2009. "Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Germany will automatically focus on the peoples akin to us in terms of race and mind; Egyptology and Assyriology will recede into the background." Blimey.

A splendid Durga at the National Gallery of Australia. Note that the goddess' lion is biting the buffalo demon on the bum.

Also from the NGA: the remarkable Bronze Weaver, a 1400 year old statue from Indonesia.

Stone Age humans crossed Sahara in the rain, New Scientist 9 November 2009

Babylon's Ancient Wonder, Lying in Ruins, Washington Post 28 July 2009

An oldie but a goodie: New Women of the Ice Age, Discover April 1998

Ivory 'Venus' is first depiction of a woman [Venus of Hohle Fells], New Scientist 13 May 2009

Brutal Destruction of Iraq's Archaeological Sites Continues, Huffington Post 21 September 2009

Beads: Ritual and Ornamentation - What Africa's Khoe-San were wearing 77,000 years ago, Heritage Key 3 November 2009

Check Your Venus Fantasies at the Door, Gentlemen, Archaeology 15 May 2009

"God is the potter, not Harry". Hee.

culture: hindu, culture: egyptian, goddess: mut, weaving and pottery make the world, culture: prehistoric, goddess: durga

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