Oct 05, 2007 01:56
I am aiming for a B on my drugs and the brain midterm, I did stupid mistakes-oh well, life goes on I guess.
Academics at Berkeley have been tough, but not as tough as I thought it would be. I just hope that I get a good GPA and that I can get somewhere with it. I am not going to worry too much anymore, since I get stressed easily--my face tells it, fucking stress acne.
Tomorrow, I am going to go to my discussion and go to Golden Gate Park, with my camera. I need a good break to just be alone and admire this world, even if it is just a nice park. I love taking pictures of this hella nice place. I wish i had one of those awesome photo printers so I can fill my wall with my pictures.
I do feel isolated here, even though I have friends or so I think.
I hate it that I feel this way when more important things are happening.
Today I learned about nuclear energy, interesting material uranium 238.
Usually, Prof. Hinzten chooses good guest lecturers for my African American class, but not so much this time. He was this uber educated gay black man who just talked about his studies and what he thought of himself as a "minority of a minority", it was not terribly exciting, I dozed off for a minute.
I got a nice box from home, it had food, clothing, and more food.
It was a huge box. When people asked me what was it, I told them it was either my A) meth lab equipment B) bombs or C) my supply of hookah pipes.
It was another pointless day, that just makes me wonder what the hell am I doing here.
Berkeley sucks sometimes, sometimes it does not.
Can't wait for next weekend.
I have noticed that I hate when people are happy when I am not, it is stupid that I feel this way but I still do. I am just messed up sometimes and feel like running away and not have to worry about school or grades.
At least, I have my health