(no subject)

Aug 21, 2007 19:49

I am finally at uc berkeley--what a grand place. I love my floor mates--what more can I ask from people? My room is suprisingly spacious, so spacious that we can play frisbee in it--we have done it hehe, I feel sort of odd though; I think that I have been feeling reservered or that I have been more quiet now that I actually live here. I was very open minded for orientation, but this is just a different story. I don't know, I guess I really do not feel a great need to talk sometimes.

I went on my first hike today; and what a "hella" hike it was. It was through these trails called Firetrails, right toward Strawberry Canyon--the name reminds me of Super Mario World. Although the hike was really awesome, I almost did not make it; I almost threw up :S, but this cool guy named andy waited for me until I caught my breath and felt rested enough. In the end I made it--it was so uplifting and whatever haha,

I finally bought my books today. I love my books and I am so excited in beginning my classes. Not to sound corny, but being here is a dream--all the shit I had to go through and all the pain of school will finally be paid off. I love UC Berkeley--hands down. Usually people get vibes and I have felt a very good vibe from this school.

They have had get togethers or social gatherings, but I just can not get into them, For one thing, I do not like crowds, Second, I am not exactly the party type. I would rather watch tv in the lounge and read an awesome book--naturally, it is 1984.

Days have been dragging one, I feel i have been here for weeks.

I have walked SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much.  I think that is both awesome and lame. I really wabt to lose weight, but I am very tired from walking. I think I have lost 3 lbs already.

I met this really sweet asian girl. I think she is so nice. We get along.

Maybe I am feeling lame or anti social, but I just can not get into the niche of going out that much. I still have not gone to SF on my own, but now that i have money I can go. I am going to buy some cheap touristy items for the family.

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