Title: Everything in its place
Pairing: Iker & Sergio.
Rating: G, for goodness' sake
Disclaimer: Not true. And I know Spain celebrates the Three Kings and not Santa & Christmas. But bear with me.
A little stocking stuffer for: Nora (but she said I could share with everyone).
Christmas Eve. The one time of the year Sergio's family eats a little early and goes to bed a little early, if only so they can get their little princess off to sleep early -- and give themselves a few last minutes to prepare for the morning.
All of the presents were wrapped and piled under the tree. Ornaments reflecting a lifetime -- cheap ones from leaner times in Sevilla to expensive handmade one-of-a-kind baubles that only a millionaire could afford (who else had a Louis Vuitton ornament? No one, that's who) -- encircled the tree. All of the ornaments were treated with equal respect and tenderness. Each one was special for him, because wash one had witnessed a Christmas morning in Sergio's home.
(Everything was perfect. Everything was in its place.)