:: Contrary to what all of you think(including that elusive stalker of mine), We All Don't Party All The Time(now known affectionately as W.A.D.P.A.T.T). C'mon..how much brain cells and neurons can one burn in a life time, with alcohol and happy things. Besides, a little greenery, loads of fresh air, the company of
milkboy and Kenerf, wouldn't hurt that much(unlike a few repugnant situations I have been in recently). And, it ain't often that all of us are free on a friday! Aside from a territorial bird watcher and his lesbian lover who did'nt enjoy us disturbing his watch on a few bulbuls(i think), the MacRitchie Tree Top Walk was amazing. You all must go visit! (This was taken in May...before
milkboy left for New York.)::
:: For I am an idiot with anything I.T, I didn't save the bigger collage after creating it.This one, where everyone looks tiny and insignificant that you wonder why I bother in the first place, will have to do. And, Because I am inspired by
milkboy, there will more to come. Hurhur. ::