Book Quotes Quiz

Jan 22, 2008 16:14

Here's a quiz (admittedly, I was inspired to make it after Darya's wonderful one), written with reference to those who wondered what my favourite quotes looked like;). A list of quotes from some great books - mostly those I love, and those who have made a big difference at the time. Hope you have some fun too when guessing=P

1.If she had to tell the truth, would she really say that she'd never known that he loved her? Or just that she'd never known what she would do about it if he did?

2. The trouble with girls is, if they like a boy, no matter how big a bastard he is, they'll say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don't like him, no matter how nice a guy he is, or how big an inferiority complex he has, they'll say he's conceited.

3. Surely you don’t disbelieve the prophecies, because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself?

4.Really, Mr Collins, you puzzle me exceedingly. If what I have hitherto said can appear to you in the form of encouragement, I know not how to express my refusal in such a way as may convince you of its being one.

5.Of course in is happening inside your head,Harry, but why on Earth should that mean that it is not real?

6.I don't go around gratuitously shooting people and then bragging about it afterwards in seedy space-rangers bar, like some cops I could mention. I go around gratuitously shooting people and then I agonize about it for hours to my girlfriend!

7.People who say it's a long story mean it's a stupid short one they're too embarrassed and couldn't be bothered to tell.

8.When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflexion and seeing-things-from-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary.

9.A battle of good and evil reduced to a fat woman standing in front of a chocolate shop, saying "Will I?..Won't I?.." in pitiful indecision.

10.Do you understand me? - Seldom if ever. But therein lies your charm.

11. At the hotel we had separate rooms, but in the middle of night she came sobbing into mine, and we made it up very gently. You see, she had absolutely nowhere to go.

12. It was originally intended to be a mildly nostalgic account of the natural history of the island, but I made a grave mistake by introducing my family in the first few pages.

13. Why, sometimes I have believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Пыс. Order doesn't show my preferences :)
Quotes are English-only this time, because coming soon - Movie Quotes, and Book Quotes-2, с учетом мнения Асеньки, и для всего того чудесного и русскоязычного (включая пару переводов), которое я чисто физически не могу привести сейчас.

ПыС нумер два. Комментарии, ради интереса, скрыты(очень надеюсь, что я ничего не напортачила в своей попытке скрыть их *вздыхает*) Думаю, что раскрою их, как только большинство ответов будет известно;)

UPD: Я раскрыла комментарии, так как большинство ответов все-таки я получила. Но то, что еще никем не отгадано, я пока приберегу - авось вспомнится;) Но желающие отвечать все равно welcome - ведь кажется, когда нажимаешь reply, тебе не видны предыдушие комментарии?

books, quiz, quotes

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