a short note

Jul 24, 2013 23:35

Hello friends,
I'm back from my extended weekend with its travels and other mordorous activities, well-fed and with pictures to share. However, the working week met me with unexpected amounts of paperwork, work, and faux work that might have made me say "I wish I was doing real work instead" - but you all know I'd rather be doing more pleasant things:) So I'll try to catch up with replies and things soon, and of course will indulge in picspamming as usual too :P

However, I'm sad to say this entry is also brought to you by LJ fail. Apparently, now the stupid thing started stealthily de-friending people? And mutually, too :< So please, if you see that we've been defriended, know that it's not me throwing hissy fits or slamming doors, it's the goat! Let me know such thing happened and I'll fix it asap, because you are lovely, lovely people \o/

Hope you this week is being kind to you!

коротко, lj, of friending and friends

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