Quick post. + Words.

Jul 18, 2009 07:36

Haven't slept well these past few days (and I think I might be ill), but nonetheless we're still heading off on a trip (bah, I can barely type properly). When I come back and look at this post, I'll probably wonder what drugs I was on when I wrote it. ...though, technically, I wasn't on any drugs. Just lack of sleep and a time crunch (we're almost going~).

So many things I still need to do, but I'm incapable of any real thinking right now. I'll probably conk out in the car.

I still need to do these, so here they are, in point form, because I don't think I can write good prose right now:

1. Iserlohn.
*Fortress from Legend of Galactic Heroes
*Yang Wen-Li, the silly man
*Home of the 13th Fleet
*A fascinating place
*Both sides of the war win and lose it
*Still need to finish fic involving the refugees, maybe after I get better at writing
*I wonder what the battles involving it were like in the books. It didn't have a liquid metal covering there, or so I've read..?
*The Alliance's scientists must have been all over the technology when they finally got a hold of it
*and I better stop rambling before I delve into more explicit spoilers

2. Canada
*I was born here
*Where I live, the weather's in constant flux
*I'm starting to wonder if the geography differs much from a certian place half-way across the world
*I think of mountains, prairies, and blue skies -- when it comes to Canada. Must be the province I live in (Alberta)
*I've been in Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia
*Saw the Parliament buildings in Ontario. Quite the sight! People were having riots on the green field outside and everything. Inside it was calmer, but so busy. We got to see the library (so silent, it was surreal).

3. Asian
*Family migrated here from Hong Kong
*Cantonese speaking
*Most of my relatives are in Canada, actually
*I can barely read or write my first language, and I can speak it so-so
*I swear I'll get around to reviewing my Chinese one of these days

4. Uncertainty
*Life = uncertainty
*I'm always wondering about things
*Worrying about things
*Wanting to see the good in everything and hoping for it while dreading and accepting the bad
*Uncertainty of memory and attention span.

5. Space
*My favourite book about space: a textbook on astronomy that belonged to my mother (I used to read it and look at the illustrations when I was younger)
*I used to be a fan of the cosmos (still kind of am)
*Some of my fantasy story ideas are set in space
*Either Triton or Titan (satellites for Neptune and Saturn respectively) spawned a "mermaid aliens" idea ... but I'm not sure if I named the right satellite
*I had a story set on Mars, too, but there's a webcomic that already contains half of the elements I thought of

Maybe I'll redo these later.

See you in a week.
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