Livejournal? What's that supposed to be?

Jan 26, 2008 23:09

Hey there...
thought, now that I have a livejournal-account - let's post something!
My last week hast been nice and relaxing, since I've still got semesterferien 'till mid February!
So enough time to read all the new fanfics and finally manage to watch Supernaturals season 3 ^^
But since I seem to attract a lot of Plot-Bunnies and whatever the ones are called, that make you paint a picture or create an avatar, I seem to get to nothing >_< Poor me ^^
At least I get enough sleep :) That's the best thing at holidays anyway ^^,
So - I'll watch another episode of Supernatural now (BUABS) and go to sleep then :)
G'night everyone!

new, blogging

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