[ scanky_chops] Resources

Jun 15, 2008 17:27

This has taken me forever to hunt down the comms and users ('cos i am stupid and don't think to remember these things...) but it's done.


Most jdramascans/cap - myself

a_ra_shi .& asianelle .& arashi_on .& boys_paper .& carnival_night .& doramacaps .& divinelydiluted .& eighters .& ikuta_toma .& kansha_ni_eight .& kanjani8 .& kattunlove .& mizushima_rabu .& news_jpop .& smapxmedia .& smapxsmap .& tamaki_hiroshi .& to_ki_o .& tokio_suki .& tokioteatime .& toma_daily .& tomoya_daily .& v6_unlimited .& victory6 .& young_jp_actors


Brushes & Textures

LJ users
_euphory .& _excentric_ .& _hakanaidreams .& _iconographer .& _joni .& __iconic .& __darkdreaming .& __misaki .& 77words .& abernathi .& aconite .& agent00 .& aloneinthetown .& anais_dirge .& angel_elf_icons .& anothersilence .& arisubox .& b_gatan .& babliz .& bambinainnero .& billibelle .& blessed_beast .& blimeyicons .& bombayicons .& brasaremean .& calixa .& ca_pris .& cdg .& chaoticfae .& cielo_gris .& clubinthesky .& colorfilter .& coloured_sky .& damnicons .& dekolette .& dieaku .& detoxcocktails .& egg9700 .& elli .& ewanism .& fantasy781 .& farawlat-dxb .& fashion_victimx .& forwardshuffle .& fraught .& fuzzy .& gender .& grrliz .& gummishiip .& haydens_hunnie .& honeymellow .& hakanaidreaming .& hybridmagic .& iamellie .& iconmotion .& iconseeyou .& indienotebook .& innocentyouth .& inxsomniax .& isabellacs .& isleofyew .& jadedicons .& jatesoul .& juuichi .& kekoah .& kiho-chan .& latexandleather .& lu_marshmallow .& legendarygeisha .& lellie_mo .& lelymarques .& likegunfire .& lime_and_salt .& lookslikerain .& lovelamp .& magicprophecy .& meivocis .& meleada .& microcake .& milk .& mizzybox .& moonlight .& myrasis .& nicolejaninexo .& nikiness .& notsostrange .& offbeat_upbeat .& ofthesky .& onecoldcanadian .& paleseptembre .& peclaire .& peoplemachine .& promenade .& quebelly .& rachel_lynne .& reyesphile .& saihara .& sanami276 .& scarsonchest .& selenespain .& shagalote .& shylove07 .& spuzz .& streetcarcircus .& strongerrr .& t00tsy .& teh_indy .& the-seventhsign .& tihana .& toob .& tove_91 .& toxxxicgurl .& toybirds .& tragic_icons .& twingyikle .& unanalyzed .& urbanstrokes .& vert_gazon .& vol4itca .& wash_when_dirty .& wherescookie .& xshoot2thrill .& yoostyna .& yumei-k .& yuna_ki


amaras_art .& by_rights2fly .& crystalcocaine .& daisukicons .& dearest .& destruction-box .& discolore .& dongbangcrack .& eveningwalks .& freak_flag_fly .& freshmakers .& iconetwork .& iconistas .& icon_textures .& iqons .& kakapum .& lifeisdolce .& loveicon .& lovetramp .& misarte .& pixelfun .& policromo .& searchasoulmate .& snitch_golfer .& spectralicons .& staticlost .& texturize .& trivialaffairs

::stops:: That a lot of resources and frankly i don't even know if i use more than half of them! XD


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