Sakumoto, Myojo January 2004

Nov 30, 2014 14:13

I shouldn't be here, right now, N3 test is getting near.. yabaaaaaaiii.. ><
but I just need releasing my stress while staring at my beloved pairing Bambis
but yeah, after struggling with my RL traffic jam, and also those crazy strokes in nihongo.. I got this work done.
eventually this pair caused me rolling in wide grins...
this article is unexpectedly amusing, I enjoyed it way too much..
the highlight is utterly pointed out by the story of sho's first love in his middle school days. It was such a cute story..
but the rest is not less cute.. I'm sure..
and more importantly is that I could sense jealous Jun, here.. xDDD

scan credit : not mine

Spending 10000 yen at the konbini, what’s on earth did you buy??

S : fair amount of my shopping lately at konbini was around 4-5 thousand at cost. I recall that Matsujun said he ever spent ten thousand yen at konbini. And then I said “matsujun is incredible, ne..”
M : eehh.. did I say that??
S :  yup, you did.. it’s in our second year after debut, if I’m not mistaken
M : I wonder what I bought at the mean time. I couldn’t remember at any
S : seriously?? but I’m pretty sure it was around the time you’re doing「Kindaichi」and whilst buying many things for everyone, right??
M : hmm,,, it can be that way. Well.. as for other member, peculiar thing that happened for instance there is this nino who always eats hamburger for daily routine that we see it now as something common.
S :「is that fine to bring hamburger for your bento?? 」that’s what we said.
M : to the extent that we would ask in surprise at the time he’s ordering foods other than hamburger like 「eeehh?? Is that okay not eating hamburger??」we often wonder of how much he likes it. Wouldn’t it be tiresome to eat it everyday??
S : despite the fact that it was my fave food around my elementary school days (laughs). the other occasion, where the other 4 except me were doing trip to Hakone. but in the end, I managed to know the reason behind that peculiar thing.
M : unless it’s something incredibly private, there’s nothing can be hidden among members.
S : I was so shocked as you guys doing the private trip. All I said was「those guys are unbelievable!!! 」and it’s even more shocking to know that the truth of that trip was….
M : the day sho-kun were doing the shooting for 「KISARADZU」actually, the other 4 felt like going there, so we went there as well (laughs).
S : the movie staff could only claim in surprise「what’s with this group!!!」
M : ahahaha. It’s all aiba-kun and nino’s idea.
S : those two are incredible, these days. I remember at the time of nino bought game in our previous bangumi. One hour before the shooting schedule, the two kept on playing game all the time. That’s pretty off beat.
M : even at the time of his (nino) shooting break, he stayed on playing it, did he not?
S : In the midst of our「Nama Arashi」while going back to our green room, I could find the two were playing 「Dragon Ball」excitedly. That’s how they like playing game.
Next, we just want to confirm some matters about Arashi. Let’s start with Treasure Appraisal in [UTABAN]. Where is it from?? Are there any other precious items that you posses??
S : in my grandma’s house there are some possession and that’s where I took it up from. First, I asked my mom’s approval, and then with my family we took a drive to my grandma’s house. And it’s quite tiring.
M : yes, actually I have some unrevealed precious items,  like old kimono or stamp. My grandma has a great collection of old stamps.

Was it true that Sakurai ever pursued a Hungarian girl??

S : the term “pursue” sounds terrible, though that’s not a total lie (laughs). It was in my second year of middle school. She was a member of a choir from Hungaria that came to perform at the school. We were so charmed by her cuteness that we came again to see their next performance in other place. With that she made friend with us, and joined us to go to the Disneyland.
M : seems so much pleasure.
S : we all seriously liked her.
M : you must have been so happy, ne..
S : yes, it’s was so fun.
M : formerly, I loved to join a group date where they who claimed as popular girls and boys gathered
S : at the meantime, your face had been so matured, no??
M : yeah, it was like I had been so grown-up already, right??
S : though, I just witnessed it by your pictures,  that time, your eyebrows was even so dense.
M : yeah it was, I had my face fully grown-up. Now, I feel like playing to amusement park…. (faraway look). Since I can’t really have time to go there or that kind of places, recently. I can’t help but wanting to play the water slide. That’s my favourite.
S : Until this very day, I am weak with the “Obake yashiki” (red : Haunted House). I have no idea what’s the point of playing that.
M : but I think if it’s a couple getting in there, it’s unexpectedly interesting, you know
S : but that won’t work for me, even if the girl tries to get me in, I would just let her  to get there alone
M : but won’t it excite you after a long wait to play there? Actually it’s the first time I know that you dislike the “Haunted House”

Anything else we never knew?

M : just before, sho-kun said that he never did dish-washing.
S : yeah, I never know how to do it.
M : eehh?? Seriously??? Hmm, now I got it. when you washed the chopstick, it’s my first time seeing that way of washing the tip first. For me, even today, I do washing, you know. But, don’t you wash your tableware?
S : I simply put it to dish-washing machine. And then, it’s just “PON!!!” (felt of proud air, here) Matsujun, is that sanma (type of fish) ready to eat?
M : isn’t it cooked enough? Because we’re not in the season of eating it. really, it’s yummy.. now that you mention it…  I wonder who put the nickname “matsujun” it’s such a mystery.. my nickname in primary school was “Matsu” though..
S : ahahaha.. “Matsu” is engaging.. it will liven up the concert, I’m sure.. akh, actually today the very day of my eight years entering the agency. This year marks 4 years of Arashi debut, right. but what intrigues me is that I always feel that we have being Arashi far before that.
M : that’s when I was in first grade high school,
S : so, you debuted while in first grade high school??
M : yes, that’s right
S : hee.. such a difficult time ne, this child.. (sounds like a grandma)
M : I realized, while most students preparing their way and taking the exam in third grade, actually I had my own way decided in first grade. Finished with the junior, now we have Arashi and it’s still continuing right.

sakurai sho, translation, magazine, sakumoto, arashi, matsujun

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