Taobao Spree #47 - CLOSED

Jul 08, 2013 14:34

co-organising with lilcielo

Exchange Rate = 4.75
NO Paypal or Remit charges
Shipping charges based on past spree is about $1.04 / 100g

Spree is on-going. U can check with us if u see that this spree is closed.
Orders will be made within 24 hours after payment is verified.
The whole process usually takes about 1.5 weeks to complete.
However, do take note that the process time varied depending on sellers' speed and items stocks status.

PRIVATE SPREE PROMOTION: 6% agent fee for orders with less than 10 sellers
We will send the orders to the agent and once all your items reached the agent, the agent will ship it directly to u.
Email us for more information.

Use this template if u have big orders and send to

You are advised to check the feedback of the shop before ordering Do let us know if u need assistance.
Dunno where to start shopping?
Maybe you can refer to my past spree-ers' experience


Email me @
I cant satisfy everyone.
So if you are uncomfortable with any 1 point of my T&C, DO NOT join me.

Terms and Conditions
x I have a full time job. I do spree because i wanted something. So please be patient to my time and to me. x Updates will be done via email and this spree page. Please check the given email is valid.
x I reserve the rights to close the spree earlier or later or cancel it if response is not good
x In the event that GST is incurred, it will be shared equally. (i do not wan this to happen as much as u don't want it.)
x Please do not join the spree if you are uncomfortable with the way i calculate discounts and shipping.

Terms & Conditions from LCL:
1. Lil Cielo does not hold responsibility for any damage / defected / wrong / lesser items received from sellers or lost items during delivery.
2. Spree-er takes your own risk if purchasing fragile item. Lil Cielo does not hold responsibility for damages occur during shipping process.
3. Lil Cielo will not be held responsibility for the authenticity of the items purchased.
4. No payment = No order
5. Lil Cielo reserves the rights to close the sprees earlier OR cancel the spree if response is not satisfied.
6. Registered postage is highly recommended, Lil Cielo will not be held responsible for any lost items during delivery.

Items in Special shipment:
1. All liquid items, cosmetics, nail polish, powder etc
2. Replicas of big brand e.g LV, Gucci (spree-er to buy risk that items will be confiscated by custom)

1. Spree Details:

Website: Taobao

2. Payment Details

Payment Mode:
ijustwannajoin - DBS Saving Plus 066-5-022141

Inter-bank transfers strictly disallowed.
I-banking: please use your IJ nick.

1st Payment = ( Item cost + China domestic shipping ) * 1.08  /  4.75
2nd Payment = International shipping + Singapore shipping

3. Oversea Shipping

China EMS International Shipping:-

S$12.00 for 1st 500g S$5.00 for every subsequent 500g
Estimated shipping is about $1.04 per 100g

S$20.00 for 1st 500g S$.00 for every subsequent 500g
Estimated shipping is about $2.00 per 100g

Private Spree.
PROMOTION: 6% agent fee. (for less than 10 sellers)
S$12.00 for 1st 500g S$5.00 for every subsequent 500g

4. Local Shipping / Distribution:

Distribution of items: Registered/Normal postage

Postage charges are to be advised when items are here.
50cents handling charge apply. Meetup available at CCK (ijustwannajoin) or boon lay (lilcielo)

5. Format (Please follow closely)

Email: ( For spree update )
Acc type / num: ( For refund )
Delivery mode: Meetup @ cck / Meetup @ bl / Normal / Registered
(u can put more than one option if u are uncertain at the point of ordering. This is important because we will then decide who will keep the items.)

Shop #1 Name
Item #1
URL: ( please ensure URL is correct, will order accordingly to this! )
Color / Size:
Price (RMB):

Item #2
URL: ( please ensure URL is correct, will order accordingly to this! )
Color / Size

Price (RMB):

Domestic Shipping Fee:
Note: *For domestic shipping fee, pay once only if buying multiple items, will advise if shipping is charged by items basis. Please use the shipping fee to ship to guangzhou.

Shop #2 Name
Item #3
URL: ( please ensure URL is correct, will order accordingly to this! )
Color / Size
Price (RMB):

Item #4
URL: ( please ensure URL is correct, will order accordingly to this! )
Color / Size

Price (RMB):

Domestic Shipping Fee
Note *For domestic shipping fee, pay once only if buying multiple items, will advise if shipping is charged by items basis. Please use the shipping fee to ship to guangzhou

Total Price in RMB = RMB$
Total items:
Total in SGD: ( Total Price in RM + China domestic shipping ) * 1.08 / 4.75 = SGD$

Mode of Payment: ATM/IBANK
Transferred to: POSB / DBS
IB Nick:

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