Nick: ohmyskyy Email: Acc type / num: POSB Savings 126995962 Delivery mode: Meetup @ cck / Normal / Registered (u can put more than one option if u are uncertain at the point of ordering. This is important because we will then decide who will keep the items.)
Shop #1 Name: gaga1818168 Item #1 Name: 正品 埃普比目鱼支架 3代 new ipad 2 3 银箭鱼 笔记本苹果支架 URL: Color / Size: 黑色 up-1 Quantity: 1 Price (RMB): 40 Domestic Shipping Fee: 5 Note: *For domestic shipping fee, pay once only if buying multiple items, will advise if shipping is charged by items basis. Please use the shipping fee to ship to guangzhou. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item #3 Name: URL: ( please ensure URL is correct, will order accordingly to this! ) Color / Size: 杏色 / 40 Quantity: 1 Price (RMB): 35
Domestic Shipping Fee: 12 Note *For domestic shipping fee, pay once only if buying multiple items, will advise if shipping is charged by items basis. Please use the shipping fee to ship to guangzhou -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Price in RMB = RMB$110 Total items: 3 Total in SGD: ( 127 ) * 1.08 / 4.85 = SGD$ 28.28
*PAYMENT DETAILS* Mode of Payment: ibank Transferred to: DBS IB Nick: ohmyskyy 24 Mar 2013 07:51 PM Singapore Transfer Currency and Amount S$28.28 Transaction Reference 10724929499
Acc type / num: POSB Savings 126995962
Delivery mode: Meetup @ cck / Normal / Registered
(u can put more than one option if u are uncertain at the point of ordering. This is important because we will then decide who will keep the items.)
Shop #1 Name: gaga1818168
Item #1
Name: 正品 埃普比目鱼支架 3代 new ipad 2 3 银箭鱼 笔记本苹果支架
Color / Size: 黑色 up-1
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): 40
Domestic Shipping Fee: 5
Note: *For domestic shipping fee, pay once only if buying multiple items, will advise if shipping is charged by items basis. Please use the shipping fee to ship to guangzhou.
Shop #2 Name: xiaonian111
Item #2
Name: 2013新品单鞋 melissa绒面心型装饰果冻鞋 欧美时尚平底女鞋
Color / Size: 黑色 / 40
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): 35
Item #3
URL: ( please ensure URL is correct, will order accordingly to this! )
Color / Size: 杏色 / 40
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): 35
Domestic Shipping Fee: 12
Note *For domestic shipping fee, pay once only if buying multiple items, will advise if shipping is charged by items basis. Please use the shipping fee to ship to guangzhou
Total Price in RMB = RMB$110
Total items: 3
Total in SGD: ( 127 ) * 1.08 / 4.85 = SGD$ 28.28
Mode of Payment: ibank
Transferred to: DBS
IB Nick: ohmyskyy
24 Mar 2013 07:51 PM Singapore
Transfer Currency and Amount S$28.28
Transaction Reference 10724929499
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