its finished.
ive moved journals
i wont be posting the link & inviting everyone to add me.
we are all getting a chance here.
for those of you who dont read my journal anymore --
you will obviously not see this & will not care.
for those of you who only have me listed as a friend because you feel obligated --
feel obligated no more.
i wont add you first.
this is your decision.
for those of you who feel the need to check my journal in hopes that you'll find
something juicy to gossip over even though my entries are now friends only --
dont even bother trying.
you wont find anything to read on my new journal.
i wont be adding anyone first.
i will hold nothing back in my entries.
if you want access to my new journal...
if you want to actually be a friend...
you'll take the two seconds to track me down.
ijustdied was a good home.
but now it's dead. & has been for months.
i have never kept a journal as long as this.
i like to keep the chapters seperate.
ive tried moving in the past.
ijustdied always called me back.
there was just something about it.
you served your purpose & im thankful.
but today you can rest.
i will state one more time;
i am not annoucing where my new journal is
i am not adding anyone first
bumped for anyone that may have missed this